The Future of Disc Golf in Wichita is at Stake!

It may not be a question of survival. But it is certainly a question of growth. And, it all depends on what happens with the Air Capital Disc Golf Club in 2020.

So, what do I mean? Local disc golf clubs of all sizes have been huge contributors to the growth of disc golf in the U.S. and beyond since its inception, Wichita is no exception.

Why have these clubs been so important? They have been the backbone for achieving the two required elements that have turned an alternative recreational past time enjoyed by a few hundred players on the west coast into a fast growing and popular world-wide sport now recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

Local clubs have been the driving force and organizers behind the installation and development of over 6000 disc golf courses in farm towns, small to mid-sized cities and large metropolitan areas across the U.S. And, it is the local clubs that are largely responsible for the growth in competitive tournaments for professionals and amateurs of all ages and genders. Without easily accessible facilities the sport would have disappeared early on. And, without organized competition disc golf would never have been accepted as a legitimate sport.

The ACDGC has been the organizing force and primary funding source that has overseen the growth from a single 18-hole Wichita public disc golf course in 1988 to 8 public courses in Wichita, Derby, Park City, and Colwich and played a part in spurring on efforts that resulted in the installation of full courses in Eldorado and Augusta.

Since 1988 the ACDGC has been actively organizing and running multiple tournaments in and around Wichita, including the Doo Dah, one of the longest-running annual tournaments in Kansas and the Round Up, the season wrap-up tournament of the KDGA Oz Tour. The ACDGC also partners with Ducks to bring you the Keeper of the Chains, now the largest annual event in Wichita. The ACDGC also runs an annual fund-raising tournament for the Kansas Food Bank. For the first 25 or so years the ACDGC provided the only local opportunity for organized weekly mini-tournaments in the area, year-round. While no longer the only option that tradition continues to this day.

But, looking ahead to 2020, the future role of the ACDGC is in doubt. We are in dire need of volunteers to fill open positions on the ACDGC Board of Directors. The board is composed of 7 officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Coordinator, Parks Liaison and Communications Director. If these positions are not adequately filled the current board will be obligated to oversee the dissolution of the club.

What will this mean for the future of disc golf in Wichita? The most immediate repercussion will be how tournaments are affected. It would likely be the end, at least for a while, of the annual tournaments and probably all tournaments at Wichita public courses. Why? Two reasons, through the ACDGC partnership with Wichita Parks and Recreation in helping to maintain the parks and disc golf equipment, we have an agreement that allows us to use their facilities in a like-kind exchange, saving tournament organizers substantial fees to reserve the courses. Second, the ACDGC maintains liability insurance that Wichita and other communities in the surrounding areas require in order to host disc golf events. This loss could affect area tournaments that ACDGC does not actually run but participates in as a host/sponsor.

Further down the line, the dissolution of the ACDGC would likely put at least a temporary halt to further courses being installed and could, under some circumstances, endanger the continued operation or proper maintenance of some courses.

Disc golf in and around Wichita is currently doing very well. And the future, if managed properly, is looking great. But, all bets are off should we lose the respect and political clout that has been fostered and nurtured over our 30-year history.

So it is that I make this plea for volunteers to join the ACDGC Board. You will find the required form to fill out and submit to the current board by following this link

This is not hype. The Future of Disc Golf in Wichita is at Stake! Will you please help determine that future?